Over a year ago DarkRogue was a user that got busted for using multi accounts in a one-man collusion scheme. It took many of us by surprise as he was a well-respected owner. He admitted to the cheating and was placed on a team restriction. He was allowed to keep his most stacked teams: MFN1 Cincinatti, FakePigskin San Diego, and MFN31 Atlanta.
DarkRogue remained in the game for a bit, but was generally not well liked. I believe to get around the team restriction (though he says that was just temporary) or to stop being a pariah, he used another previously undisclosed multi. DarkRogue gave up ownership of his three juggernaut teams. They were all picked up by the same user: lellow2011.
lellow2011 took those teams with a ton of talent and a ton of draft picks and was massively successful.
MFN 1 Cincinnati: Two league championships, one more division title, in a very competitive league
Fake Pigskin SD/LA: Three league championships, one more conference championship, three more division championships, never lost more than two regular season games.
MFN31 Atlanta: Two league championships, three more conference championships, one more division championship. Three consecutive 16-0 seasons.
When I realized this, I looked to see if there were any additional similarities:
Both were polite, respected users until people found out about the deception.
DR joined 7/18/2015. lellow2011 joined 7/20/2015.
If you check his post history, lellow2011 goes from complete silence on the community forums to frequent poster almost instantly in January 2016, which is just about when DarkRogue stopped posting there.
There's some similarities between the way they post in the forum too. The “sigh” and “LBer” are what convinced me they were the same:

Noticing all this I concluded that lellow2011 was probably DarkRogue, but I didn’t want to say anything without being completely sure. Recently I mentioned in the forums that I believed that DarkRogue was still around using a different name. The DarkRogue account came out of darkness to respond to me, confirming that suspicion.